Source code for hal.cvs.gits

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

"""Handles main models in git repository"""

from git import Repo
from unidiff import PatchSet

from hal.cvs.versioning import Version

[docs]class Diff: """Git diff result""" ADD = "added" DEL = "removed" def __init__(self, diff): """ :param diff: Diff between 2 commits """ self.diff = diff def __str__(self): totals = self.get_totals() return "+", totals[self.ADD], " -", totals[self.DEL]
[docs] def get_totals(self): """Calculates total additions and deletions :return: Dictionary with totals """ total_added = 0 total_removed = 0 patch = PatchSet(self.diff) total_added += sum([ edit.added for edit in patch ]) total_removed += sum([ edit.removed for edit in patch ]) return { self.ADD: total_added, self.DEL: total_removed }
[docs]class Commit: """Git repository commit""" def __init__(self, commit): """ :param commit: Commit of repository """ self.commit = commit def __str__(self, date_format="%H:%M:%S %y-%m-%d %z"): """ Converts to string :param date_format: Format date and times with this format :return: Pretty description of commit """ hash_value = self.commit.hexsha date_time = self.commit.authored_datetime.strftime(date_format) return hash_value + " at " + date_time
[docs] def get_author(self): """Gets author :return: author of commit """ author = out = "" if is not None: out += if is not None: out += " (" + + ")" return out
[docs]class Repository: """Git repository""" def __init__(self, repo_path): """ :param repo_path: Path to repository """ self.repo = Repo(repo_path)
[docs] def get_last_commit(self): """Gets last commit :return: Last commit of repository """ return self.repo.head.commit
[docs] def get_diff_amounts(self): """Gets list of total diff :return: List of total diff between 2 consecutive commits since start """ diffs = [] last_commit = None for commit in self.repo.iter_commits(): if last_commit is not None: diff = self.get_diff(commit.hexsha, last_commit.hexsha) total_changed = diff[Diff.ADD] + diff[Diff.DEL] diffs.append(total_changed) last_commit = commit return diffs
[docs] def get_diff(self, commit, other_commit): """Calculates total additions and deletions :param commit: First commit :param other_commit: Second commit :return: dictionary: Dictionary with total additions and deletions """ print(other_commit, "VS", commit) diff = self.repo.git.diff(commit, other_commit) return Diff(diff).get_totals()
[docs] def get_version(self, diff_to_increase_ratio): """Gets version :param diff_to_increase_ratio: Ratio to convert number of changes into :return: Version of this code, based on commits diffs """ diffs = self.get_diff_amounts() version = Version() for diff in diffs: version.increase_by_changes(diff, diff_to_increase_ratio) return version
[docs] def get_new_version(self, last_version, last_commit, diff_to_increase_ratio): """Gets new version :param last_version: last version known :param last_commit: hash of commit of last version :param diff_to_increase_ratio: Ratio to convert number of changes into :return: new version """ version = Version(last_version) diff = self.get_diff(last_commit, self.get_last_commit_hash()) total_changed = diff[Diff.ADD] + diff[Diff.DEL] version.increase_by_changes(total_changed, diff_to_increase_ratio) return version
[docs] def get_pretty_version(self, diff_to_increase_ratio): """Pretty version :param diff_to_increase_ratio: Ratio to convert number of changes into version increases :return: string: Pretty version of this repository """ version = self.get_version(diff_to_increase_ratio) build = self.get_last_commit_hash() return str(version) + " (" + build + ")"
[docs] def get_last_commit_hash(self): """Gets hash of last commit :return: hash of last commit """ last = self.get_last_commit() return str(last.hexsha)