Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

"""Linked list implementation"""

[docs]class Node: """Node of a linked list""" def __init__(self, val, next_node=None): """ :param val: Value of node :param next_node: Next node """ self.val = val self.next_node = next_node # the pointer initially points to nothing
[docs]class LinkedList: """Models a linked list""" def __init__(self, lst): """ :param lst: List of elements """ self.head = LinkedList.from_list(lst)
[docs] def get_head(self): """Gets head :return: Head of linked list """ return self.head
[docs] def get(self, position): """Gets value at index :param position: index :return: value at position """ counter = 0 current_node = self.head while current_node is not None and counter <= position: if counter == position: return current_node.val current_node = current_node.next_node counter += 1 return None
[docs] def get_tail(self): """Gets tail :return: Tail of linked list """ node = self.head last_node = self.head while node is not None: last_node = node node = node.next_node return last_node
[docs] def length(self): """Gets length :return: How many items in linked list of linked list """ item = self.head counter = 0 while item is not None: counter += 1 item = item.next_node return counter
[docs] def insert_last(self, val): """Appends to list :param val: Object to insert :return: bool: Appends element to last """ return self.insert(val, self.length())
[docs] def insert_first(self, val): """Insert in head :param val: Object to insert :return: True iff insertion completed successfully """ self.head = Node(val, next_node=self.head) return True
[docs] def insert(self, val, position=0): """Insert in position :param val: Object to insert :param position: Index of insertion :return: bool: True iff insertion completed successfully """ if position <= 0: # at beginning return self.insert_first(val) counter = 0 last_node = self.head current_node = self.head while current_node is not None and counter <= position: if counter == position: last_node.next_node = Node(val, current_node) return True last_node = current_node current_node = current_node.next_node counter += 1 if current_node is None: # append to last element last_node.next_node = Node(val, None) return True
[docs] def remove_first(self): """Removes first :return: True iff head has been removed """ if self.head is None: return False self.head = self.head.next_node return True
[docs] def remove_last(self): """Removes last :return: True iff last element has been removed """ if self.length() <= 1: self.head = None return True node = self.head while node is not None: is_last_but_one = node.next_node is not None and \ node.next_node.next_node is None print(node.val, is_last_but_one) if is_last_but_one: # this is the last node.next_node = None # get to last but one element return True node = node.next_node return False
[docs] def remove(self, position): """Removes at index :param position: Index of removal :return: bool: True iff removal completed successfully """ if position <= 0: # at beginning return self.remove_first() if position >= self.length() - 1: # at end return self.remove_last() counter = 0 last_node = self.head current_node = self.head while current_node is not None and counter <= position: if counter == position: last_node.next_node = current_node.next_node # remove current return True last_node = current_node current_node = current_node.next_node counter += 1 return False
[docs] def to_lst(self): """Cycle all items and puts them in a list :return: list representation """ out = [] node = self.head while node is not None: out.append(node.val) node = node.next_node return out
[docs] def execute(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Executes function on each item :param func: Function to execute on each item :param args: args of function :param kwargs: extra args of function :return: list: Results of calling the function on each item """ return [ func(item, *args, **kwargs) for item in self.to_lst() ]
def __str__(self): lst = self.to_lst() lst = [ str(node) for node in lst ] return " -> ".join(lst)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_list(lst): """Parses list :param lst: list of elements :return: LinkedList: Nodes from list """ if not lst: return None head = Node(lst[0], None) if len(lst) == 1: return head head.next_node = LinkedList.from_list(lst[1:]) return head