Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Songs in various formats """

from mutagen.id3 import ID3
from mutagen.id3._frames import TIT2, TPE1, TALB, TRCK, TDRC, TCON
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3

from hal.files.models.system import FileSystem
from hal.files.models.system import list_content
from hal.wrappers.errors import true_false_returns, none_returns

[docs]def find_songs(folder, recursive): """ :param folder: folder path :param recursive: True want to search recursively :return: generator of) paths of the songs in folder """ paths = list_content(folder, recursive) for path in paths: if MP3Song.is_valid_mp3(path): yield MP3Song(path)
[docs]class MP3Song(FileSystem): """.mp3 song"""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid_mp3(path): """ :param path: candidate :return: True iff song is MP3 encoded """ try: MP3(path) return True except: return False
def __init__(self, path): """ :param path: Location of .mp3 file """ super().__init__(path) = MP3(self.path, ID3=ID3) self.tags =
[docs] def get_details(self): """Finds songs details :return: Dictionary with songs details about title, artist, album and year """ title = str(self.get_title()).strip() artist = str(self.get_artist()).strip() album = str(self.get_album()).strip() year = str(self.get_year()).strip() return { "title": title, "artist": artist, "album": album, "year": year }
@true_false_returns def _set_attr(self, attribute): """Sets attribute of song :param attribute: Attribute to save :return: True iff operation completed """ self.tags.add(attribute)
[docs] def set_title(self, name): """Sets song's title :param name: title """ self._set_attr(TIT2(encoding=3, text=name.decode('utf-8')))
[docs] def set_artist(self, artist): """Sets song's artist :param artist: artist """ self._set_attr(TPE1(encoding=3, text=artist.decode('utf-8')))
[docs] def set_album(self, album): """Sets song's album :param album: album """ self._set_attr(TALB(encoding=3, text=album.decode('utf-8')))
[docs] def set_nr_track(self, nr_track): """Sets song's track numb :param nr_track: of track """ self._set_attr(TRCK(encoding=3, text=str(nr_track)))
[docs] def set_year(self, year): """Sets song's year :param year: year """ self._set_attr(TDRC(encoding=3, text=str(year)))
[docs] def set_genre(self, genre): """Sets song's genre :param genre: genre """ self._set_attr(TCON(encoding=3, text=str(genre)))
@none_returns def _get_attr(self, key): """Gets attribute of song :param key: Name of attribute to get :return: Attribute """ return self.tags.get(key).text[0]
[docs] def get_title(self): """Gets song's title :return: title """ return self._get_attr("TIT2")
[docs] def get_artist(self): """Gets song's artist :return: artist """ return self._get_attr("TPE1")
[docs] def get_album(self): """Gets song's albu :return: album """ return self._get_attr("TALB")
[docs] def get_nr_track(self): """Gets song's track number :return: # of track """ return self._get_attr("TRCK")
[docs] def get_year(self): """Gets song's year :return: year """ return self._get_attr("TDRC")
[docs] def get_genre(self): """Gets song's genre :return: genre """ return self._get_attr("TCON")