Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Use GMail APIs from python """

import os
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from import GoogleApiOAuth

[docs]class GMailApiOAuth(GoogleApiOAuth): """Creates OAuth driver for GMail""" def __init__(self, app_name, client_secrets_file, oauth_path): """ :param app_name: Name of app to display :param client_secrets_file: Path to client_secret :param oauth_path: Path to gmail """ GoogleApiOAuth.__init__( self, "", # scope app_name, os.path.join(client_secrets_file), # app secrets os.path.join(oauth_path), # user credential )
[docs] def create_driver(self): """Creates GMail driver :return: GMail API driver """ return super().get_driver("gmail", "v1")
[docs]def get_mime_message(subject, text): """Creates MIME message :param subject: Subject of email :param text: Email content :return: Email formatted as HTML ready to be sent """ message = MIMEText( "<html>" + str(text).replace("\n", "<br>") + "</html>", "html" ) message["subject"] = str(subject) return message
[docs]def send_email(sender, msg, driver): """Sends email to me with this message :param sender: Sender of email :param msg: Message to send to me :param driver: GMail authenticator """ driver.users().messages().send( userId=sender, body=msg ).execute() # send message