Source code for hal.mongodb.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Various utilities to deal with MondoDB databases """

from pymongo import MongoClient

[docs]class DbBrowser: """Browse MondoDB database""" def __init__(self, db_name): """ :param db_name: Name of db """ self.client = MongoClient() self.database = self.client[db_name]
[docs] def get_collection_names(self): """Gets name of all collections :return: List of names of all collections """ return self.database.collection_names()
[docs] def get_documents_count(self): """Counts documents in database :return: Number of documents in db """ db_collections = [ self.database[c] for c in self.get_collection_names() ] # list of all collections in database return sum([c.count() for c in db_collections]) # sum
[docs] def get_documents_in_collection(self, collection_name, with_id=True): """Gets all documents in collection :param collection_name: Name of collection :param with_id: True iff each document should also come with its id :return: List of documents in collection in self.db """ documents_iterator = self.database[collection_name].find() # anything documents = [ d for d in documents_iterator ] # list of all documents in collection in database if not with_id: for doc in documents: doc.pop("_id") # remove id key return documents
[docs] def get_collection(self, key): """Gets collection with given key :param key: Name of collection :return: Data in collection with given key """ return self.database[key]
[docs] def get_documents_in_database(self, with_id=True): """Gets all documents in database :param with_id: True iff each document should also come with its id :return: List of documents in collection in database """ documents = [] for coll in self.get_collection_names(): documents += self.get_documents_in_collection( coll, with_id=with_id ) return documents