Source code for hal.profile.performance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Perform benchmarks and tests on your PC """

import getpass
import os
import random
import sys

from hal.files.models.files import Document
from hal.maths.problems import EightQueen
# todo use logging
from hal.profile.models import Timer

INTRO = "So, let\'s get into the details.. I\'m going to solve the " \
        "classic Eight Queens Puzzle: it\'s the problem of placing " \
        "eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two " \
        "queens threaten each other.\nFinding all solutions to the " \
        "eight queens puzzle is a good example of a nontrivial " \
        "problem. For this reason, it is often used as an example " \
        "problem for various programming techniques, including " \
        "non-traditional approaches such as constraint programming," \
        " logic programming or genetic algorithms. Most often, " \
        "it is used as an example of a problem that can be solved " \
        "with a recursive algorithm (read more here: " \
        " ... and" \
        " since recursion involves both RAM storage and CPU use of " \
        "your machine, this problem is a good tester to test your " \
        "PC speed! Now let\'s get started.. "

[docs]class EightQueenTest: """Test CPU by solving eight-queen problem""" def __init__(self, size): """ :param size: size of test """ self.size = size self.benchmark = ""
[docs] @staticmethod def welcome(): """Welcomes user to this test sessions :return: intro to test """ user = getpass.getuser() os_name = output = "\nHello! You are " + str(user) + " running " + str( os_name) + " right?\n" output += "I\'ll test your CPU and RAM usage while executing this " \ "script, is it ok?\n " return output
[docs] @staticmethod def introduction(): """Welcomes user to this test sessions :return: intro to test """ return INTRO
[docs] def run_test(self): """Runs test :return: Time to solve problem with given size """ timer = Timer() with timer: problem = EightQueen(self.size) problem.solve(problem.board_size) return timer.elapsed_time()
[docs] def update_std_out_and_log(self, string): """Prints to stdout and updates log :param string: Stuff to print """ print(string) # update stdout self.benchmark += "\n" + string # update log
[docs] def start(self): """Starts profiling""" self.update_std_out_and_log(self.welcome()) print(EightQueenTest.introduction()) if input("Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n]").startswith("y"): else: print("Bye bye!") sys.exit(0)
[docs] def run(self): """Runs test and safes results""" max_board_size = self.size timer = Timer() with timer: for size in range(max_board_size + 1): timing = self.run_test() self.update_std_out_and_log( "BOARD SIZE".ljust(10) + str(size).ljust(10) + "TIME REQUIRED (s)".ljust(20) + str('{:03.3f}'.format(timing)) ) seconds = timer.elapsed_time() self.update_std_out_and_log( "It took me " + str(seconds) + " seconds to complete all " + str( max_board_size) + " problems.\nThanks for your patience!") if input("Do you wanna save the results? [y/n]").startswith("y"): file_name = "EightQueenTest" + str(int(random.random() * 10000)) \ + ".log" log_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name) Document(log_file).write_data(self.benchmark) print("The log file is", log_file)