Source code for hal.strings.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""String models"""

import unicodedata

from pyparsing import Literal, Word, nums, Combine, Optional, delimitedList, \
    alphas, oneOf, Suppress

[docs]class String: """Models string""" def __init__(self, string): self.string = str(string)
[docs] def remove_escapes(self): """Removes everything except number and letters from string :return: All numbers and letters in string """ chars = [] i = 0 while i < len(self.string): char = self.string[i] if char == "\\": i += 1 else: chars.append(char) i += 1 return "".join(chars)
[docs] def remove_non_ascii(self): """Removes non-ansi chars from text :return: input except non-ansi chars """ return ''.join(c for c in self.string if ord(c) < 128)
[docs] def convert_accents(self): """Removes accents from text :return: input with converted accents chars """ nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', self.string) return "".join([ char for char in nkfd_form if not unicodedata.combining(char) ])
[docs] def remove_control_chars(self): """Removes controls chars from text :return: input except controls chars """ esc_key = Literal('\x1b') integer = Word(nums) escape_seq = Combine( esc_key + '[' + Optional(delimitedList(integer, ';')) + oneOf(list(alphas))) return Suppress(escape_seq).transformString(self.string)
[docs] def is_well_formatted(self): """Checks if string is good formatted :return: True iff string is good formatted """ # False iff there are at least \n, \r, \t," " is_bad_formatted = ":" in self.string or \ "\\'" in self.string or \ "\n" in self.string or \ "\r" in self.string or \ "\t" in self.string or \ "\\n" in self.string or \ "\\r" in self.string or \ "\\t" in self.string or \ " " in self.string return not is_bad_formatted
[docs] def strip_bad_html(self): """Strips string of all HTML elements :return: Given string with raw HTML elements removed """ out = self.string while not String(out).is_well_formatted(): out = out.replace(":", "") \ .replace("\\'", "\'") \ .replace("\\n", "") \ .replace("\\r", "") \ .replace("\\t", "") \ .replace("\n", "") \ .replace("\r", "") \ .replace("\t", "") \ .replace(" ", " ") \ .strip() return str(out)
[docs] def remove_all(self, token): """Removes all occurrences of token :param token: string to remove :return: input without token """ out = self.string.replace(" ", token) # replace tokens while out.find(token + token) >= 0: # while there are tokens out = out.replace(token + token, token) return out