Source code for hal.strings.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Typical operations on strings made easy"""

from difflib import SequenceMatcher

[docs]def how_similar_are(str1, str2): """Computes similarity between strings :param str1: First string :param str2: Second string :return: Similarity of a VS b """ return SequenceMatcher(None, str1, str2).ratio()
[docs]def get_max_similar(string, lst): """Finds most similar string in list :param string: String to find :param lst: Strings available :return: Max similarity and index of max similar """ max_similarity, index = 0.0, -1 for i, candidate in enumerate(lst): sim = how_similar_are(str(string), str(candidate)) if sim > max_similarity: max_similarity, index = sim, i return max_similarity, index
[docs]def get_average_length_of_string(strings): """Computes average length of words :param strings: list of words :return: Average length of word on list """ if not strings: return 0 return sum(len(word) for word in strings) / len(strings)
[docs]def convert2sentence_case(string, splitter='. '): def prettify_sentence(s): return s.strip() def convert(s): return s[0].upper() + s[1:] def join_separate(s, joiner='. '): return joiner.join(s) sentences = string.split(splitter) sentences = map(prettify_sentence, sentences) # prettify sentences = map(convert, sentences) # convert out = join_separate(sentences) # combine return out